Marlene Foard's Summer 09 Rufous from Star Meadows Montana Pennsylvania Winter Hummers
Marlene Foard's Summer 09 Rufous from Star Meadows Montana flipped

Allegheny Co -- Ad Male Rufous in Hampton Twnshp
FO 11/24/20 ↔ LO 11/24/20

Liz Spence's EBird checklist of an adult male Rufous in Hampton Twnshp on 11/24/20.

Liz Spence described in an EBird checklist that she observed an adult male Rufous feeding on a blue gentian - almost matching the gentian’s bronzing leaves. [She is] very familiar with Rufous from [her] time in Colorado. And Bob Mulvihill informed me that the RUHU was not around long. (eml)

Bedford Co. -- Imm Female Rufous in Saxton
BANDED 10/6/20 by Bob M
FO 9/20/20 ↔ LO 10/18/20

Bob Mulvihill's Fb post on his banding trip on Tues 10/6/20

On Sat Oct 3rd, Joyce Maher Villani posted 2 photos of a definite Selasphorus hummer in Saxton PA on Winter Humm group on Fb. Bob M is aware and is scheduling banding.

Joyce posted another photo on Mon 10/5 and 2 more in-hand pix of her banded female Rufous on Tues 10/6. This is the first RUHU banded in Bedford Co. And the RUHU continues thru Tues 10/18 when it was last seen (JMV Fb WHG and DM).

Bedford Co Selas perched - photo by JMV
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Bedford Co Selasphorus perched showing tongue.
Photo by and courtesy of Joyce Maher Villani.

Bedford Co RUHU perched by JMV
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Bedford Co RUHU.
Photo by and courtesy of Joyce Maher Villani.

Berks Co. -- Adult Male Rufous in Mohnton
BANDED 07/31/20 by Sandy L
FO 07/29/20 ↔ LO 7/31/20

On Wednesday July 29th, Mike Slater PMed me that he had a brown-backed hummer that day, and described it as an adult male. A subsequent photo I received from him confirms adult male Rufous. A first banding attempt that evening failed. I also received additional photos from Mike on Thurs, one of which shows missing R1s with a whitish replacement growing in.

Sandy Lockerman posted on Fb Winter Hum group that she banded this hummer on Friday, July 31st! Unfortunately the RUHU flew straight SE after release post-banding and had not been seen again as of Saturday morning.

Mike Slater's Fb post on his RUHU

Mike Slater's blog post about his RUHU with photos

Berks Co - Mohnton Rufous on feeder - photo by Mike S
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Mohnton AHY M Rufous, on feeder showing gorget.
Photo by and courtesy of Mike Slater.

Berks Co Rufous perched - photo by Mike Slater
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Mohnton AHY male Rufous perched.
Photo by and courtesy of Mike Slater.

Berks Co. -- Adult Male Rufous in Boyertown Area
BANDED 10/9/20 by Sandy L
FO 10/3/20 ↔ LO 1/7/21

Cathy Moyer's Fb Winter Hum group post Wed Oct 14th with 2 photos & 2 videos from Oct 6th.

Cathy Moyer's Fb Winter Hum group post Fri Nov 6th with 1 photo and 2 videos.

Cathy Moyer's Fb Winter Hum group post Tues Dec 8th with 1 video.

Cathy Moyer's Fb Winter Hum group post Tues Dec 14th with 3 videos and 4 photos.

Cathy Moyer's Fb Winter Hum group post Thur Dec 17th with 2 videos and 6 photos.

Cathy Moyer's Fb Winter Hum group post Tues Dec 22nd with 4 photos.

Cathy Moyer's Fb Winter Hum group post Fri Dec 25th with 4 photos and 1 video.

Cathy Moyer's Fb Winter Hum group post Fri Dec 29th with 2 videos.

Cathy Moyer's Fb Winter Hum group post Sun Jan 3rd with 1 video.

Cathy Moyer's EBird Checklist S78743000 Tues Jan 5th with 8 photos.

Cathy Moyer's Fb Winter Hum group post Mon Jan 11th with 3 videos and 3 photos.

Sandy Lockerman posted on PABirds that she banded this hummer on Friday, Oct 9th [at the home of Cathy Moyer (CM Fb)]. She also said that 3 western hummers in the state have been seen but not banded.

Cathy Moyer posted the photo below on Fb WH group showing the RUHU continues thru Oct 27, and 1 photo and 2 videos on Fri Nov 6th.

Cathy Moyer posted on Fb WH group showing the RUHU continues thru Jan 3rd with 1 video showing the Rufous coming to a DIY heated feeder, and an EBird Checklist on Jan 5 with 8 photos, and then again on Mon Jan 11 with 3 videos and 3 photos giving a LO date of Thur Jan 7th.

Berks Co - Boyertown Rufous on feeder - photo by
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Boyertown AHY M Rufous, on feeder showing gorget.
Photo by Michael Moyer and courtesy of Sandy Lockerman who posted on Fb.

Berks Co - Boyertown Rufous near feeder 10/27- photo by Moyer
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Boyertown AHY M Rufous, near feeder on Tues Oct 27th.
Photo by Michael Moyer and courtesy of Cathy Moyer who posted on Fb.

Berks Co -- HY-Male Rufous in Reading
Banded 11/23/20 by Sandy L
FO ? ↔ LO ?

Sandy Lockerman posted on Fb Winter Humm group on Monday 11/23 that she banded a HY male Rufous in Reading (1 photo).

Berks Co -- Adult Female Rufous in Boyertown
Banded 12/10/20 by Sandy L at the Mann residence
Recaptured 12/23/20 by Sandy L at the Wagner residence
FO 10/17/20 ↔ LO 4/8/21

Ron Wagner and photographer Russell Hoffman posted on EBird about an adult female banded Rufous at the Wagner residence on Wed Jan 27th 2021 (3 photos). "Continuing bird since October 17th 2020, bander IDed bird, bander came back for health check on December 23rd 2020." This is the first information on this RUHU and obviously is one of the "secret" birds extrapolated from Sandy L's Dec 16th email.

On Sat Feb 13th Debra Mann posted on EBird about a female banded Rufous in Boyertown on Dec 10th 2020. This is obviously a GBBC checklist. No other details were given, but I've discovered that this is at her residence.

After a phone call to the Wagners I received an email from them and after another email exchange I've been informed that these 2 residences are 2/10 mile apart and are hosting the same Rufous hummer! The RUHU was banded Dec 10th at the Mann residence and recaptured Dec 23rd at the Wagner residence! As of Fri Feb 19th the Wagners said "they have seen her every day since December 13th."

An email from the Wagners shows the Rufous continuing thru Thur Mar 4th. A second email thru Fri March 12th. And a third email thru Thur March 25th. And a fourth email thru Sat April 3rd. A fifth email stated that Dani was LOed at 6:55 AM on Thurs April 8th.

Berks Co RUHU in Bouertown - photo by R Hoffman
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Boyertown Rufous at feeder.
Photo by Russell Hoffman and courtesy of Ron and Karen Wagner.

Clearfield Co. -- Adult Male Rufous in Dubois
BANDED 9/29/20 by David H
FO 9/26/20 ↔ LO 12/10/20

Carole Winslow informed me on Tues 9/29 in a Fb comment exchange (Pa Birders) that she learned from a homeowner in Dubois that he's hosting an adult male Rufous. Banding is being attempted.

On Tues 9/29 Don Nixon posted on PABirds that he had hosted an adult male Rufous since Sat 9/26 and that David Hauber had banded it that day. This is the first Rufous banded in Clearfield Co to the best of my knowledge.

Don Nixon informed me by email that the last observed date for this Rufous was Thur Oct 1st. However, the Rufous returned and was seen again Sat afternoon Oct 10th and Sun Oct 11th. (DN - email & PABirds) And the Rufous continued thru Fri Oct 16th (DN - PAB). Then Don Nixon posted again on PABirds on Mon Nov 2nd that the RUHU returned on Wed Oct 28th after another week-long absence and continues again. And Don posted again on PABirds that the RUHU continued thru Fri Nov 20th. And his latest Ebird checklist is on Tuesday 12/8. Then Don posted a comment to my post on WHG that the RUHU was last seen on Thur Dec 10th.

Don Nixon's RUHU post on Fb Winter Humm group on Tues 11/24.

Ebird Checklist by Steve Manns w 3 PHOTOS on Sat Nov 21st.

Ebird Checklist by Carl Engstrom w 4 PHOTOS on Sun Nov 22nd.

EBird Checklist by Dave Keith on Sat 11/27 w 2 PHOTOS.

EBird Checklist by Martin Carlin on Sat 12/5 w 1 PHOTO.

Dubois RUHU on feeder - photo by Carole W
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Dubois RUHU on feeder showing gorget.
Photo by and courtesy of Carole Winslow.

Dauphin Co -- Selasphorus in Lykens
Not Banded
FO 10/28/20 ↔ LO ?

Deb Bowman Straub posted a photo of an obvious Selasphorus on Fb Humm Migration group on Friday 10/30. Deb previously had a brief visit by a Selasphorus in Oct 2016.

Dauphin Co Selas in Lykens - photo by Deb
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Dauphin Co Selasphorus.
Photo by and courtesy of Deb Bowman Straub.

Delaware Co -- Allen's in Springfield Suburbs
Banded 12/11/20 by Sandy L
FO 12/9/20 ↔ LO 12/19/20

Damon Orsetti's EBird CHECKLIST S77268622 for Dec 9th including a Selasphorus Hummingbird. No further ID indicated.

John Zygmunt's EBird CHECKLIST S77266376 for Dec 9th including a Selasphorus Hummingbird. 1 photo of a definite Selasphorus included.

Rich Ziegler's EBird CHECKLIST S77289034 for Dec 9th including a Selasphorus Hummingbird. 2 photos of a definite Selasphorus included.

Rob Fergus' EBird CHECKLIST S77272714 for Dec 9th including a Selasphorus Hummingbird. 3 vidcaps of a definite Selasphorus included.

Brian Quindlen's EBird CHECKLIST S77287057 for Dec 9th including an Allen's Hummingbird. 1 photo included.

Al Guarente's EBird CHECKLIST S77270736 for Dec 10th including an Allen's Hummingbird. 3 photos included.

Bill Reaume's EBird CHECKLIST S77314884 for Dec 10th including an Allen's Hummingbird. no photos included.

Luc and Therese Jacobs' EBird CHECKLIST S77356119 for Dec 9th indicating an Allen's Hummingbird. 4 photos included.

Matthew Sabatine's EBird CHECKLIST S77351534 for Dec 11th indicating an Allen's Hummingbird. 4 photos included.

Warren Wolf's EBird CHECKLIST S77361815 for Dec 11th indicating an Allen's Hummingbird. 1 good photo included.

Selasphorus (now confirmed as Allen's) hummer posted on EBird at the home of Debbie (Beer) and Adrian (Binns) on Wed Dec 9th. And as of 12/11, there are multiple Ebird checklists stating that this hummer was banded and IDed as Allen's (age & sex not listed) including those of the apparent hosts.

Binns & Beer's Yard EBird CHECKLIST S77472241 for Dec 17th (post snowstorm) indicating a continuing Allen's Hummingbird. 4 photos included.

As of Sun Dec 20th, there are 21 Ebird checklists for the ALHU on Sat Dec 19th.

This same ALHU was refound in Philadelphia on Jan 6th. See listing below under Philadelphia county.

Franklin Co -- Adult Female Rufous in Chambersburg
Banded 10/24/20 by Sandy L
FO 10/9/20 ↔ LO 3/20/21

Bill Oyler's EBird CHECKLIST S78509784 for Jan 2nd 2021 indicating a Rufous Hummingbird in the Chambersburg area.

Gavin Anderson's EBird CHECKLIST S78596773 for Jan 3rd 2021 indicating a Rufous Hummingbird in the Scotland PA area.

Jefferson Shank's EBird CHECKLIST S78973401 for Jan 9th 2021 showing a banded Rufous Hummingbird in Franklin CO including 5 photos.

John Greer's EBird CHECKLIST S79054381 for Jan 10th 2021 showing a banded Rufous Hummingbird in Chambersburg including 1 photo.

Bill Oyler's EBird CHECKLIST S80326374 for Feb 2nd 2021 indicating a Rufous Hummingbird in the Chambersburg area.

Jessica Ferguson's EBird CHECKLIST S80338596 for Feb 2nd 2021 indicating a Rufous Hummingbird at Luthern Village retirement community with photos.

Bill Oyler's EBird CHECKLIST S82753122 for March 4th 2021 indicating a continuing Rufous Hummingbird in the Chambersburg area.

Bob Koontz' EBird CHECKLIST S82802371 for March 5th 2021 indicating a continuing Rufous Hummingbird in the Chambersburg area.

Jefferson Shank's EBird CHECKLIST S82880733 for March 5th 2021 indicating a continuing Rufous Hummingbird in the Chambersburg area.

Bill Oyler posted an EBird checklist about a banded (apparent) female Rufous hummer at a managed retirement community in Chambersburg area present since Oct 9th. He indicated that plumage development is ongoing. And on Jan 9th, Jefferson Shank posted a EBird checklist with 5 photos confirming a banded adult female Rufous. Then on Sunday Jan 10th, John and Sue Greer posted EBird checklists with 1 photo of the banded Rufous.

Bill Oyler posted an EBird checklist on Tues Feb 2nd accompanied by a checklist by Jessica Ferguson with 2 photos indicating futher gorget development. "Looks to have a pendant that's hanging the opposite way on "The White Necklace"."

Bill Oyler posed an EBird checklist on Thur March 4th, followed by one on EBird by Bob Koontz on Fri March 5th indicating the continuing RUHU. Bill Oyler's checklist states "Red central throat spot continues to get larger. Kathy Lauver has been a reliable friend/host to the bird." And Jefferson Shank posted an EBird checklist on Sat March 6th with photos.

Last observed date of 3/20 (in AM) was told to me in a phone call with Ms. Lauver on 4/1 in which I was also reminded that she hosted another banded Rufous at a different location in Franklin Co in 2012!

Lancaster Co. -- Juv M RUHU between Lititz & Manheim
FO 10/5/20 ↔ LO 10/6/20

Phil & Debbie Rush posted in a comment on a post in Fb Birding PA group that they observed a juvenile male Rufous for 2 days in early October.

Lycoming Co. Hatch-year female Rufous outside Salladasburg
FO 9/25/19 ↔ LO 9/26/20

LycoBirds Fb post on Lyco Co Rufous -- "Lycoming County scored its first western hummingbird since 2016 with a Selasphorus sp. near Salladasburg (almost certainly a Rufous Hummingbird based on details of the tail").

On Friday Sept 25th, Cindy Hartranft posted a photo of a probable Selasphorus hummer showing rufous on the underside of the rectrices on Fb Lycoming Audubon group which was then crossposted by Stephen L Pinkerton on Winter Humm group (where I first saw it).

Bobby Brown posted a comment and photos on Winter Hums group and a photo on Lyco Audubon and stated that he had observed this hummer on Friday evening and all seemed consistent with a Rufous. A closeup of Bobby's photo below showing a notched R2 with green and a shot of the throat area showing one iridescent gorget feather cinch the ID as HY-F RUHU!

Banding attempts on Sat 9/26 - not successful. And the RUHU was last seen Sat at 9:30 AM according to Bobby Brown.

Lyco Co Selasphorus in air - photo by CH
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Lycoming Co Selasphorus in air showing rufous on the rectrices.
Photo by and courtesy of Cindy Hartranft.

Lyco Co Rufous spreadtail - photo by BB
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Lycoming Co Rufous spreadtail.
Photo by and courtesy of Bobby Brown.

Montgomery Co -- R/A Selasphorus in ?
Not Banded
FO ? ↔ LO ?

On Sun Jan 3rd, Bill Etter posted in Fb Lehigh Valley AS group that there was a Selasphorus (probable not definite Rufous) on the Upper Bucks CBC on Sun Dec 20th. Subsequent comment stated Montgomery CO and he is 100% confident in the report.

Bill sent me a private photo and suggested that Broadtailed couldn't be ruled out. That prompted me to consult Sheri Williamson who IDed it as Rufous/Allen's based on strongly graduated gorget pattern, medium-length wings and tail, and scythe-shaped wing.

Philadelphia Co -- Allen's in Philadelphia
Already Banded
FO 1/6/21 ↔ LO ?

Mark Greenberry's EBird Checklist S78773416 listing a Rufous hummer seen with other birders.

Frank Windfelder's EBird Checklist S79004556 listing a possible Allen's hummer with 2 photos.

Damon Orsetti's EBird Checklist S79087537 on Mon Jan 11th with the Allen's hummer on a feeder in 1 photo.

Ben & Elliot Dziedzic's EBird Checklist S79119657 on Tues Jan 12th with the Allen's hummer on a feeder in 1 photo.

Debbie Beer's PABirds post confirming the Allen's reappearance.

Notes from the Wildside page with a comparison photo of the Delaware Co and Philly hummers.

On Wed Jan 6th, Mark Greenberry posted EBird Checklist S78773416 listing a Rufous hummer seen with other birders on Calumet St in Philadelphia. 1 photo added later. And on Sunday Jan 10th, Frank Windfelder posted EBird Checklist S79004556 stating that there is discussion about this hummer being Allen's with 2 photos.

On Monday Jan 11th (in response to my post) Debbie Beer posted on PABirds detailing the occurrence of the ALHU in her Delaware CO yard in December and the confirmation of the banded ALHU in Peter DeStefano's yard in East Falls Philadelphia.

EBird checklists from Wed Jan 13th are stating that banders were there to confirm the band number that day. And Sandy Lockerman posted on Fb WH group that she did catch and confirm the band as the same hummer from Delaware Co.

Peter DeStefano posted EBird Checklist S79685822 on Fri Jan 22nd showing the Allen's continuing at his feeder.

Schuylkill Co. -- Juvie Male Rufous near Schuylkill Haven
BANDED 8/15/20 by Sandy L
FO 8/?/20 ↔ LO ?

Sandy Lockerman posted an inhand photo on Fb Winter Hum Group of a Rufous she banded in "central PA" on Sat Aug 15th without ID as to age or sex. She also posted on PABirds with the county, locale and hummer ID - HY Male RUHU.

Somerset Co. -- Already Banded Rufous near Berlin
FO ?/20 ↔ LO ?

Bob Mulvihill posted on Fb on Thur 10/1 that on Wed 9/30 he and Powdermill banding assistant Kevin Chumpitaz Trujillo went to the home of John and Elaine Landis where he had banded and then recaptured the same adult female Rufous last year. But no luck with getting the already banded RUHU into the trap. A second try at capturing the banded RUHU failed on Tues 10/6.

Berlin banded RUHU on feeder - photo by Jeff Payne
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Berlin area RUHU on feeder showing band on left tarsus.
Photo by Jeff Payne and courtesy of Bob Mulvihill.

Somerset Co banded Rufous band closeup - photo by JPayne
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Closeup of banded RUHU showing band.
Photo by Jeff Payne and courtesy of Bob Mulvihill.

Somerset Co. -- Imm Female Rufous near Berlin
BANDED 10/6/20 by Bob M
FO 9/30/20 ↔ LO 10/6/20

Bob Mulvihill's Fb post on his banding trip on Tues 10/6.

Jeff Payne's EBird Checklist S74454085

Bob Mulvihill posted on Fb on Tues 10/6 about his 250 mile banding trip which included banding an immature female Rufous at the home of his friend Jeff Payne. This is Jeff's fourth Rufous! He previously hosted a RUHU in 1996, 2009 & 2013 (JP eml).

Jeff has informed me (eml) that the RUHU was seen again the evening after banding, but not the next day.

Berlin banded RUHU on feeder - photo by Jeff Payne
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Berlin area RUHU on feeder.
Photo by and courtesy of Jeff Payne.

York Co. -- HY-M Calliope in New Cumberland (Fairview Twnshp)
BANDED 10/26/20 by Sandy L
FO 10/23/20 ↔ LO 12/17/20

Jady Conroy's PA Birders post

Jady Conroy's banding post - 2 photos

Jady Conroy's WHG post on Sun Nov 8th.

EBird Checklist by Brett Matlock on 11/25 with 9 PHOTOS.

Ebird checklist by Rick Robinson with 7 PHOTOS on Wed Dec 2nd.

EBird Checklist by Tony Dvorak on 12/07 with 2 PHOTOS showing gorget development.

Jady's post-snowstorm post on WHG on Thur 12/17 with a photo and giving the CAHU a nickname - Marty McFly.

Jady Conroy posted photos of what appears to be a probable Calliope (confirmed) in northern York Co on Fb PA Birders group on Sun 10/25. And posted again on Fb PA Birders that the CAHU was banded on Mon 10/26.

Jady posted a photo of the CAHU on Fb WHG on Sun Nov 8th. And Jady PMed me on Messenger on Wed 12/9 to inform me that the Calliope was still there.

Greg and Deb Grove posted Ebird checklists on Dec 10th on the CAHU.

Jady Conroy's Ebird checklist on Sunday Dec 13th on the CAHU.

Jady posted a photo on WHG on 12/17 and used the name Marty McFly, but then reposted on 12/18 that the CAHU was gone.

York Co CAHU undertail
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York Co Calliope undertail.
Photo by and courtesy of Jady Conroy.

York Co CAHU tail
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York Co Calliope tail.
Photo by and courtesy of Jady Conroy.

York Co. -- HY Male Rufous Seven Valleys area
BANDED Tues Nov 3rd by Sandy L
FO 10/4/20 ↔ LO ~12/9/20

Janice Thoman's PA Birders banding post.

Janice Thoman's Pa Birders post with 2 pix on Wed Dec 2nd.

On Sun Oct 25th, Janice Thoman posted comments and a photo on Fb PA Birders group of a hatch-year male RUHU at her residence in York Co. The original visitation was said to be a week and banding was attempted but not successful. However Janice's husband saw the RUHU at flowers again the morning of the 25th.

Janice Thoman posted an update on PA Birders that the RUHU was still present on the morning of Sun Nov 1st, and then again on Wed Nov 4th that her Rufous was banded the day before - Tues Nov 3rd.

Ebird checklist by JT thru Fri Dec 4th.

Janice informed me in aFb comment on Tues 12/15 that her Rufous has not been seen since the cold snap the week before.

York Co RUHU - photo by son
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York Co Rufous.
Photo by her son and courtesy of Janice Thoman.

York Co -- HY-M RUHU
BANDED End of Oct or early November by Sandy L
FO ? ↔ LO ?

Sandy L's Fb PA Birder's post

Sandy Lockerman posted on both PA Birds and Fb PA Birders that she banded 2 RUHUs and 1 CAHU in York Co during the last week of October. That means 1 RUHU of unknown age & sex at an unknown location plus the RUHU & CAHU above. However, JT provided the age and sex in a Fb comment.

???? Cos -- Unknown Banded Hummers in Unknown Locations
3 Banded by Sandy L
FO ? ↔ LO ?

On Wed Dec 16th, Sandy Lockerman posted on PABIrds: "Of the 9 non-ruby throats that I banded since the beginning of October, 8 of them are still visiting the hummer hosts' feeders. Most of the folks have heated feeders and a few are bringing them in after dark and putting them out before daylight. I still have leads on 2 but the hummers aren't being consistent in their visits. Hope they stay around through the snowstorm." By my calculations this means there are at least 3 banded hummers that I know nothing about, plus the 2 yet to be banded.

Subsequent developments have led to the knowledge that one of the unremarked banded hummers is in Franklin Co and another in Berks Co. Both of these hummers have continued into March!

Marlene Foard's Summer 09 Rufous from Star Meadows Montana Maryland Winter Hummers
Marlene Foard's Summer 09 Rufous from Star Meadows Montana flipped

Baltimore Co MD -- Imm Male Rufous in Pikesville
BANDED 11/25/20 by Bruce Peterjohn
FO 11/18or19/20 ↔ LO 11/29/20

Melissa Polonsky's Hummer Migration Sighting group post AND Bobby Phillips original post with 35 photos

The banding of a HY-M Rufous at the home of Rebecca Kays of Pikesville on Nov 25th was posted on Fb (Hummer Migration group) by Melissa Polonsky who shared a post with 35 photos by Bobby Phillips of Parkville.

Pikesville MD Rufous in air by Bobby Phillips
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Pikesville HY male Rufous in air from a post of 9 photos by Bobby Phillips on 11/25.


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